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Nicole Gombay


Professeure agrégée

Faculté des arts et des sciences - Département de géographie

Complexe des sciences office B-6413

514 343-6111 #10552

Education Programs

  • Humanities Environment and Sustainable Development
  • Social Sciences Environment and Sustainable Development
  • Social Sciences Environment and Sustainable Development
  • Social Sciences
  • Social Sciences
  • Social Sciences
  • Social Sciences
  • Humanities Social Sciences
  • Humanities Social Sciences
  • Social Sciences Literature and Languages Humanities
  • Literature and Languages
  • Humanities Fundamental and Applied Sciences Environment and Sustainable Development
  • Environment and Sustainable Development Humanities Fundamental and Applied Sciences
  • Humanities Fundamental and Applied Sciences Environment and Sustainable Development
  • Humanities
  • Fundamental and Applied Sciences Economics and Politics
  • Fundamental and Applied Sciences Economics and Politics
  • Economics and Politics
  • Economics and Politics
  • Social Sciences
  • Social Sciences
  • Humanities Social Sciences Literature and Languages
  • Teaching and Education Sciences
  • Economics and Politics Humanities Social Sciences
  • University Preparatory Programs
  • Fundamental and Applied Sciences Life Sciences Environment and Sustainable Development
  • Fundamental and Applied Sciences Life Sciences Environment and Sustainable Development
  • Humanities Fundamental and Applied Sciences Environment and Sustainable Development
  • Fundamental and Applied Sciences
  • PhD in Geography – Humanities Fundamental and Applied Sciences Environment and Sustainable Development


  • GEO1222 Espaces globaux, territoires locaux 2
  • GEO2222 Géographie économique
  • GEO2242 Géographie culturelle
  • GEO6202 Cultures, natures, savoirs

Areas of Expertise

Student supervision Expand all Collapse all

La révolution décongelée : gouvernance, leadership et autodétermination en contexte colonial au Nunavik Thèses et mémoires dirigés / 2020 - 2020
Graduate : Méthot, Kim
Cycle : Master's
Grade : M. Sc.

Research projects Expand all Collapse all

Inhabiting altered worlds: sensory experiences following traumatic brain injuries Projet de recherche au Canada / 2022 - 2028

Lead researcher : Nicole Gombay
Co-researchers : Gavin Andrews
Funding sources: CRSH/Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada
Grant programs: PVXXXXXX-Subvention Savoir

Publications Expand all Collapse all

Gombay, Nicole and Marcela Palomino-Schalscha (eds.) Indigenous Places and Colonial Spaces: the Politics of Intertwined Relations. Abingdon: Routledge, 2019.

Gombay, Nicole and Marcela Palomino-Schalscha. “(Trans)forming Indigenous-settler colonial relations” in Indigenous Places and Colonial Spaces: the Politics of Intertwined Relations, N. Gombay & M. Palomino-Schalscha (eds.) Abingdon: Routledge, 2019, pp. 1-30.

Gombay, Nicole. “‘There’s no one way of doing things’: Wildlife management and environmentality in Nunavik” Hunter and Gatherer Research. 3(4), 2019, pp. 651-675.

Gombay, Nicole. “Wildlife Management in Nunavik: Structures, Operations, and Perceptions following the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement” Arctic. 72(2), 2019, pp. 181-198.

Mohamed, Mizna, Nicole Gombay, & John Pirker. “Development and the sacred: An account of reef resource management in the Maldives” International Journal of Social Research and Innovation. 3(1), 2019, pp. 1-22.

Gombay, Nicole. “Just Enough to Survive: economic citizenship in the context of Indigenous land claimsSharing Economies in Times of Crisis: Practices, Politics and Possibilities. Anthony Ince & Sarah M. Hall (eds.) London: Routledge, 2018, pp. 160-174.

Gombay, Nicole. “A role for Indigenous peoples in Canada’s trade talks” Policy Options Politiques. Montréal: Institute for Research on Public Policy, 2017.

Gombay, Nicole. « L’économie du don : objets, valeurs et relations sociales » (“The Gift: Objects, Values, and Social Relations”) L’économie circulaire: un transition incontournable. Sébastien Sauvé, Daniel Normandin, Mélanie McDonald (eds.) Montréal: les Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 2016, pp. 120-124. ;

Gombay, Nicole, Dorothee Schreiber, Selma Ford and Stephanie Meakin. “Submission to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on the Right to Health and Indigenous Peoples with a Focus on the Mental Health of Inuit Children and Youth” Report written for the Inuit Circumpolar Council, 2016.

Gombay, Nicole. “‘There are mentalities that need changing’: Constructing Personhood, Formulating Citizenship, and Performing Subjectivities on a Settler Colonial Frontier” Political Geography. Vol. 48, 2015, pp. 11-23.

Gombay, Nicole. “‘Poaching’ – What’s in a name? Debates about Law, Property, and Protection in the context of settler colonialism” Geoforum. Vol. 55, 2014, pp. 1-12.

Gombay, Nicole. « Oubliez la faune et la flore et vivez par l’argent » : le Plan Nord, l’économie et le développement nordique » (“‘Forget about wildlife and live with money’: Plan Nord, the economy, and northern development”) Géographie, économie, société. Vol. 15, no. 4, 2013, pp. 327-344. 

Gombay, Nicole. “Land Claims, Property, and Aboriginal Peoples in Canada” Human Geography: People, Place, and Culture (Canadian edition) by Fouberg, E.H., A.B. Murphy, H.J. de Blij, C. J. Nash. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2012, pp. 326-327.

Gombay, Nicole. “Placing Economies: Lessons from Inuit about Economics, Time, and Existence” Journal of Cultural Geography Vol. 29, no. 1, 2012, pp. 19-38.

Coombes, Brad, Nicole Gombay, Jay Johnson, Wendy Shaw. “The Challenges of/from Indigenous Geographies” A Companion to Social Geography. Vincent Del Casino, Mary Thomas, Paul Cloke and Ruth Panelli (eds.) Oxford: Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2011, pp. 472-489.

Gombay, Nicole. “Food, Obligation, & Community: lessons from the moral geography of InuitGeografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography Vol. 92, no. 3, 2010, pp. 237-250.

Gombay, Nicole. Making a Living: Place, Food, and Economy in an Inuit Community. Vancouver: UBC Press/Purich Publishing, 2010.

Gombay, Nicole. “‘Today is today and tomorrow is tomorrow’: Reflections on Inuit Understanding of Time and Place” Proceedings of the 15th Inuit Studies Conference, Beatrice Collignon and Michelle Therrien (eds.) Paris: INALCO/CNRS,, 2009. 

Gombay, Nicole. “Sharing or Commoditsing? A discussion of the socio-economic implications of Nunavik’s Hunter Support Program” Polar Record, V. 45, no. 233, 2009, pp. 119-132.

Gombay, Nicole. “From Subsistence to Commercial Fishing in Northern Canada: the experience of an Inuk entrepreneur” British Food Journal Vol. 108, no. 7, 2006, pp. 502-521.

Gombay, Nicole. “Shifting Identities in a Shifting World: Food, Place, Community, and the Politics of Scale in an Inuit Settlement” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, V. 23, 2005, pp. 415-433.

Gombay, Nicole. “The Commoditisation of Country Foods in Nunavik: an overview of its development, applications, and significance” Arctic, V. 58, no. 2, 2005, pp. 115-128.

Gombay, Nicole. “The Politics of Culture: gender parity in the legislative assembly of Nunavut” Études/Inuit/Studies V.24, no. 1, 2000, pp. 125-148.

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